Supported Decision-Making: Timberly and Tonya

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Tonya: It was important that I raise both of my girls

to make decisions and live independently.

But I think right now, Timberley needs

a little bit added, extra support.

It would be easier to make decisions for her,

but that's just not the right thing to do.

Timberley: My mom thought about guardianship,

but then she was

searching and searching, and then she finally found

Supported Decision Making Agreement,

and that was a good choice to make.

(gentle music)

Narrator: Disability Rights Texas presents

Supported Decision Making for Young

Adults with Disabilities

Tonya: My name is Tonya Mouat,

and I'm originally from the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Timberley has what's

called velo-cardio-facial syndrome.

It's also called 22q.

My goal was for Timberley to be independent

regardless of whether she has a disability or not.

Timberley: I'm Timberley Mouat, I'm 18,

I go to Brandeis High School,

I'm graduating this year, and I really like animation.

I want to go to the Walt Disney Company

and be an animator for them.

That's always been my dream job.

Narrator: Often when students with disabilities turn 18,

school districts and parents lean towards guardianship

because they think that is the only option they have.

Tonya: The only paperwork I got from the school system

was on guardianship.

They handed me a couple of pieces of paper

and the information on guardianship was one.

Once you obtain the powers of guardianship,

you lose all right to marry,

you lose the right to vote,

you lose the right to enter a contract,

you lose the right to drive a car.

You don't want mom having that power over you

to make those decisions.

Timberley: No.

Tonya: To read the information on guardianship

deflated me.

When you listen to what the terms of guardianship are,

you're stripping away the rights of that person.

Narrator: With Supported Decision Making,

a young person with a disability maintains her right

to make choices and select someone

she knows and trusts to help her.

Both people complete and sign an agreement form.

Tonya: We do have the Supported Decision Making

contract in place.

It has worked very well.

We've been utilizing it for, I guess four months now.

We work really well together, always have.

Timberley: My mom's always been there for me.

She has helped me make decisions

throughout all my high school.

She help me with what classes to take, like with algebra.

I wanted to take it this year to get ready for college,

and then she helped me make decisions on that,

then she helped me get through it.

Tonya: Throughout Timberley's life,

I've encouraged her to have a voice and her opinion.

I tell her constantly that she has a right to speak up,

and she has a right to be heard.

Timberley: It helps me because

I have a mom on my side always.

If I don't want to, I can say, "No."

It's better than guardianship.

Narrator: If you're interested in finding out more about

alternatives to guardianship,

including how to create a Supported Decision Making

agreement, visit

Or, if you would like assistance in creating a

Supported Decision Making agreement,

call Disability Rights Texas at 1-800-252-9108.

Financial support for this video was provided by

the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities

with federal funds made available by the

US Department of Health and Human Services

Administration on Intellectual and

Developmental Disabilities.

The views contained herein do not necessarily

reflect the position or policy of the funding agencies.

(gentle music)

Narrator: Produced by Rooted in Rights

End of transcript.

Timberly is an 18-year-old about to graduate from high school. Most parents are told that they should get guardianship over their child with a disability when they turn 18. But Timberly’s mom, Tonya, wanted her daughter to become more independent. And then they found out about supported decision-making.

Disclaimer: Disability Rights Texas strives to update its materials on an annual basis, and this video is based upon the law at the time it was created. The law changes frequently and is subject to various interpretations by different courts. Future changes in the law may make some information in this video inaccurate.

The video is not intended to and does not replace an attorney’s advice or assistance based on your particular situation.